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LE VIGNE Barolo 2017


Tasting notes

The multi-vineyard blend of Le Vigne gives a complex, expressive wine in a difficult vintage like 2017 – the balance afforded by multiple sites allows a more balanced result in the bottle.

Mint, balsamic and macerated cherries emerge from the glass. The wine is lean and muscular, long and straight – focused, tight, precise.


On the palate, pepper, spices, mint, hints of coffee and cola are wrapped around a core of lovely raspberry and red cherry fruit. T

hough it is still a bit rough at the edges, a few years of bottle ageing will smooth out the angles.


This is a muscular Le Vigne, but also very balanced by the freshness of the acids. The finish is smooth and lasting, with fruit and graphite.


Ratings for the vintage 2017
Falstaff 97 points
Gardini Notes 97+ points 
Gambero Rosso 2 bicchieri rossi 
Kerin O'Keefe 97 points
James Suckling 97 points
Vinous 95+ points 
VITAE 3 viti 
Weinwisser 17.5 points
Wine Enthusiast 97 points
Wine Spectator 93 points 
Wine&Spirits 96 points
Wines Critic 95 points



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Evolution of the vintage 2017

"Warm and dry" are the best words to briefly and clearly describe the 2017 vintage. Alleviating the heat were the excellent diurnal temperature shifts that brought cool air during the night, which provided a little relief to the vines even in the hottest days of July and August.


The mild winter led to early bud break. But, in an atypical return of cold in mid-April, the vegetative cycle was slowed by very cold temperatures which even brought frost to the valley floors. During the periods of pre-flowering and flowering, the cold clearly determined the formation of the grape bunches, leading to looser bunches with better internal air circulation. After May 16 the vegetative cycle was defined by the hot, dry weather that remained until the end of August and led to early maturation.

The summer, warm and dry but with good diurnal temperature shifts, defined the ripening of the grapes. In particular, the veraison was very early.


In September, temperatures dropped, and growing patterns were nearer seasonal averages, with considerable differences between day and night temperatures. This situation was further helped by the polyphenolic profile of the red wine grapes with a medium-long vegetative cycle, such as Nebbiolo and Barbera, for which the data differed to those recorded in other “hot” vintages. As a matter of fact, the values observed this year are better in terms of both quantity and extractability, an essential factor in wines for ageing.

In short, the cycle was early this year, but the vine was able in any case to enjoy a full development cycle.

This vintage can certainly be remembered as one of the earliest of recent years.


The 2017 vintage has given us wines showing great promise considering the fears of the beginning of summer, confirming once more how well-suited and well-equipped the hills of the Langhe are for winegrowing.


Harvest took place from September 21st until October 12th.




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